Wednesday, January 9, 2008

le sigh. i am very tired because i there is a kindergarten on the first floor of my apartment building and the kids really, really love to scream. today also they were moving furniture for hours. and hours. i'm going to have to figure out the spanish words for ear plugs. and then go buy some. or twenty.

anyway, last night my apartmentmates and i went out to dinner at this place that we thought was a restaurant but turned out to be more of a chess bar for old men that happened to serve some tortillas and empanadillas. it was ... a debacle. no one can speak spanish except for me and this girl who has a degree in spanish. the hot girl apartmentmate literally speaks no spanish and was just shouting at this poor barlady and using crude sign language. in the end the barlady ended up giving us a lot of free pan con tomate, so i guess she wasn't THAT insulted. probably she was just happy to see some females under the age of 70. anyway, the tortillas (which are not at all what you would think ... they are more like fritatas [sp?], egg and assorted fillers like potatoes or zucchini) were delicious and cheap and the wine was SUPER cheap, so i'll probably end up back there again.

i had kind of a late night last night in general just because i wasn't tired, and then i woke up at 6am and couldn't sleep. was up til 8.30 and then the kids downstairs started crying and the furniture got moved and i got maybe another 45 minutes of sleep before i had to go to this orientation meeting.

i convinced everybody to walk to the IES center today, which is where we'll be taking our classes. it's a little over 2 miles, but i think i'm going to try to do it everyday unless it's raining. it's a nice walk and there's tons of coffee places etc. to stop at. (and of course, by coffee i mean espresso. apparently the eurofolks do nothing but espresso.)

at any rate, the orientation session was lame and just a bunch of stuff i already knew. my RA took us on a "barrio tour" today and then hung out in our room forever trying to fix the internet so that one of the girls could finally connect to the internet.

tonight everybody's going out to this party/dinner but i'm staying home in the apartment. im going to catch up on american television and hopefully get a full night's sleep.

au revoir, mes amis.

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